Saturday, October 23, 2010

MEA break

Thank god for MEA, a break that specific public K-12 & colleges get during the fall. A fall break where i live :) I was super excited this time around bc I FINALLY got to go somewhere! The last time I traveled was in 2009 to see my grandparents I believe. Not much of a vacation in my opinion...bc I go there often!
Anyways, my mom & I took a trip to Chicagooo!!! :D I was super stoked, but overall I don't think Chicago is really me...xD Oh well, I'm still trying to plan a trip out over the summer! :)

So anyways, here are a few pictures I just wanted to share of Chicago, FOTD, & things I've bought to let you guys know that HEY I'll still try to update as often as I can, promise ^____^!

Also, I just took 3 exams over the last week. I got a 87% on my Stats test, wish me luck on the other 2! >______<

The sunset was just TOO damn beautiful. I HAD to snap a picture of it :)
Y, hello bean :)
Looking out at Navy Pier!
Yes, yes I do!
A look I did for today. Going to a costume party!
My eye looks kind' a creepy...
See?! I'm not that pale xD Dumb flash!
Ssoo I TOTALLY ended up getting the Tokidoki palette from my last blog.

Quick swatch of the colors. My camera doesn't even pick up close to how BEAUTIFUL these are!
Purchased super orgasm blush from Sephora. After listening to Swiss's line in "Fancy", I HAD to.
Mmm tea garden, if this doesn't hint to where I live. Bah!
As always, thanks for reading!
Until next time...

P.S. I know all these pictures are hell-a random, but whatever keeps you guys entertained xD!

1 comment:

  1. Aww you're cute! Are you wearing contacts? Looks good :P

    xx The Little Dust Princess
